Industrial Steel Doors

The robust alternative to aluminium shutters

Commercial & Industrial Doors

Our industrial roller shutter doors are a robust alternative to our aluminium range of security products, yet they still offer versatility with the ultimate choice provided from our diverse range of industrial doors.

Encompassed within the range are single skin industrial doors and insulated industrial doors. In addition, we offer hand chain operated doors, steel insulated doors with tubular motors and a wide choice of specialist industrial door motors including GfA. Choose your product, then simply pick your preferred motor. A wide choice of colours and finishes are available and by the use of different gauge slats we are able to accommodate even larger sizes than ever before.

Benefits & Features

There are many benefits to our Industrial Steel Doors, some of these include:

  • Choice of motors
  • Universal, laser-cut, folded endplate (giving greater strength)
  • Angles pre slotted for inset & outset
  • Predrilled guide channels with low profile bolts Welded tabs as standard to correct coning issues & prevent slat jump if the limits are lost
  • Axle predrilled & RivNuts, instead of welded nuts or studs, for ease of installation
  • Introduction of 350 mm box & endplate for lower headroom requirements which also brings the axle better in line with the guides on smaller doors

Industrial Roller Door Range


Rapid Roll


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